Dear sAnta,
ThNak you sOoOoo much for all the Great presentz this yEaR.
I really ReaLLy rEalLy ReALlY really liked the bEsTeST one Of aLL when the GrEeeEn BYa PakCers beat TheM GiaNts so bad. I asked for 31 – 17 anD You brought a 45 – 17 win and it was super! Maybe eVEn SupEr Bowl!
I like AaroN rODgers A lot cuz he IS my faovRzite player. I seen his New helmet and it worked real good cuz he din’t get no more conconco… cuncusshins….cunscshion… head injuries. And the BiG Guys pertected aArroN real good too so they were good so you Can Put t5hem on The Nice List for next year too. Cuz they were so good. And cuz Aaron is my favorite Player. Oh yeah and Aaron really REALLY Likes tHe SLIDe yoU Gave hIm cuz he used it a lot already.
My Friend CharLes WOODson says to say thanks for helping him find his game again. He liked the hands you gace him back but don’t want no more slippers SO you can KEEp tjem. You can give the SlIppers To DevIn HestEr in ChiCago cuz we want him to slip around in the snow next week.
All the tackle guys on defense are so happy with all them sacks and innerspshins… inntracerpt… intrescepsho…. Picks they got too. Cuz it was a lot. They like them sacks and innerspshins… inntracerpt… intrescepsho…. Picks cuz it makes them happy and they like to run around with them a lot. So THaNks.
And I think so of them guys like B J Raji and DesMoNd Bishop deserve an extra HElPing at dinner CUz they should be hungry cuz they did so much. Even tHO nO one ever seems to notice them they was really good against them GIAntS. So they can have my extras too cuz they are still probobobaly hungry. So let them have lots more next Week.
Thanks so much a lot for finding the Special Teams. I knew we lost it somewhere and It was cool you could FINd it for us cuz we neeed it to play with and it is fun to Play with cuz when it works it is good. And them GiAnts don’t know how to play with it.
I even like Our hEAd cOaCH now cuz when I played with him his Head didn’t fall off. And when he lets the running BacKS play too it gives me a whole lot more to play With cuz they were good too. So I yelled a lot. So I dOn’t need a new head coach but if this one works like this all the time it will be okay. As lOng as he Works and don’t just stand there aND do nothing.
It was a reeal surprise to get all them receevers To pLay with too! I don’t know which one to play with cuz They aLL were so good. Ecpcially JordY Nelson who can run. Nd james Jones who Can run. And Donald Driver cuz he can catch. And Greg Jeenings cuz he can run. And he can cAtch. And So can mY fRiend jOHn kUhN can catch too.
I Like it when our HEAd coach lets us play With so many things cuz it Makes it so exciting. Its Like there aRE tHinGS everywhere wo Play with. Wow! I bet them Giants are wishing they Had some of the Great things we got!
And maybe you Better tell that Guy Eli his face is gonna freeze like that in the cold cuz he was so mad. And them Giants Haed coach too. They were both making ugly faces all the time. And yelling. Or crying. A lot. If you tell him he is going to be like Brad and Wade and Mike he might not get no more presents unless he gets good. And stops yelling all The tIme. BuT I liked It when he Yelled cUz our defense guys kept getting more and more sacks and innerspshins… inntracerpt… intrescepsho…. Picks cuz it makes them happy and they like to run around with them a lot. So let him be on the naughty list cuz its okay with me.
So one LaSt thing You can give Some game balls to Aaron Rodgers cuz he is my favorite player and he was super duper good and maybe even SuPer Bowl! And One to John Kuhn cuz everybody loves him now cuz he is So good. All them big boys on the Line can have one cuz they kept Aaron Rodgers who is my favorite player from getting anY more conconco… cuncusshins….cunscshion… head injuries.
You can give a bunch to the D guys Like B J and Sammy and A J and Desi and all the guys that made sacks and innerspshins… inntracerpt… intrescepsho…. Picks. Just Tell Them to save some for next week. And a exxtra spEcIAl Game bALL has to go TO Clay Mattthews 3 bcuz he was relentlen...resleln...reLenLss,, real fast when ho knoCkeD that baLL out. Put him on your Super gOoD List. Now.
So thanks for the really great ChriStmas SaNTa. I was just wHAT I wanted!! Now I gotta go play with things that can kill them Bears.
The pack Rat
p.s. You can keep my stockings stuffer
if you can bring us another game likke this next week too against them bEaRS.

* The above image is that of a sleeping bear. While we would never advocate the killing of a bear we certainly do sanction the Beating of Bears.
Glad you're happy.
ReplyDeleteNow let's take a look at da-bears/Packer game for this week.
Rodgers-264 yds p/game
Cutler-222 yds p/game
R-65.5% completion
C-61.1% completion
R-10 picks
C-14 picks
R-27 TD's
C-23 TD's
R-QB rating,101.9
C-QB rating,90.6
Advantage Packers
GB-Total yards,5446
CB-Total yards,4404
GB-Passing yards p/game,260.0
CB-Passing yards p/game,193.2
GB-Rushing yards p/game,103.1
CB-Rushing yards p/game,100.4 (surprised ??)
GB-Points p/game,25.2
CB-Points p/game,22.1
Advantage Packers
GB-Passing yards allowed p/game,199.3
CB-Passing yards allowed p/game,224.3
GB-Rushing yards allowed p/game,115.2
CB-Rushing yards allowed p/game,92.1 (oh well)
GB-Points allowed p/game,15.8 (This is the best in the NFC & only Pittsburgh has allowed fewer in ALL the NFL at 14.9)
CB-Points allowed p/game,18.4
Advantage Packers
Special Teams
GB-UHHHH,got nothin' here
CB- Devin Hester averages 17.1 yds p/punt return & has 3 TD's. Danieal Manning averages 25.3 yds p/kickoff return.
Advantage Bears
Tangible or not ???
The Packers should not have anywhere near the penalities as they had in the first game this year when they lost by a few points---in Chicago
Advantage Packers
On paper, looks favorable to the Pack. But that's why they play the game.
Let's hear predictions.
One more thing. Weather forecast for GB on Sunday--High 22
13 MPH Wind
10% chance of precip